About Curriculum Development Centre

The CDC was constituted in 2030 BS to develop curricula for various Faculties and Institutes of the University. Later it also started to issue equivalence certificates to the students who have graduated from other universities. It has been reconstituted by the enactment of 2050 Rules for Organization and Academic Administration.
The CDC is led by Executive Director. It has two subject committees of compulsory subjects: Nepali and English. All the subject committees are led by chairpersons who are selected from their respective subjects.
Each subject committee is responsible for upgrading, monitoring, and evaluating the concerned curricula.
In collaboration with the subject committee, CDC not only develops compulsory curricula, but also conducts seminars, orientation Programmes and workshops to help implement the curriculum in its true spirit. It also encourages teachers to write quality textbooks or other teaching materials. Moreover, CDC also works as a secretariat of the Equivalence Board of TU. It provides equivalence to certificates obtained from foreign universities. Since 2067 (BS) the CDC has been providing equivalence to the foreign universities/educational institutions in Nepal running under the permission of the Government of Nepal. The University has also constituted a Standing Committee under the chairmanship of the CDC Director since October 29, 2004 to verify the academic certificates of TU academic and administrative staff. CDC Executive Director is the one of the board Members of Academic Council.
The CDC also publishes an annual research journal, Curriculum Development Journal. It also publishes and sells the TU curricula and books under TU rules and regulations. It also maintains a library containing the relevant materials.